Female Escorts for Ladies in London

There is a trend emerging in the escort industry. It first started with couple’s escorts. Men were finding that their partners were opening up to the idea of reinvigorating their intimacy by exploring options that went far beyond the traditional confines of marriage. There are very few straight men that wouldn’t put the idea of being with two women at the top of their fantasy list. Some wives and partners started thinking about these fantasies as something they could explore with their spouses instead of just dismissing them. They found that they actually enjoyed being with a beautiful young woman themselves.

It seems like a natural evolution to find that a market has emerged for female escorts for ladies in London. These beautiful and confident women are comfortable in their own sexuality and liberated enough to revel in their bisexuality or outright preferences for lesbian experiences. Relationships are tricky. The human element always means that a one night stand has the chances of turning into a complicated situation, and seeing a professional escort limit the chances of misunderstanding and indiscretions.

People tend to think of Escorts as an exclusively male indulgence, but how true is this? Certainly, there has not historically been a market for female escorts for ladies in London or anywhere else, but this doesn’t mean that women have not sought out the services of escorts or special female companions. They most certainly have, but everyone has stopped short of calling a spade a spade and concealed this activity with more socially correct euphemisms like ‘friendship’ and ‘mentoring’, especially in the case of an older woman with a young girl.

The idea that women go to see female escorts is considered quite radical, and there are those, especially in the feminist camp who would argue that it simply doesn’t happen because escorting is an industry designed by men only to benefit men. Of course, saying that something never happens doesn’t mean it really doesn’t happen, and this is the case with female escorts for ladies. There are many busy single women, and happily married women with children who are finding the joys of spending time with a beautiful woman who is there to cater to your every whim without any strings attached. Women with bisexual tendencies who would never openly define themselves in that way find that seeing a female escort is an amazing way of being able to explore their fantasies without giving themselves away.

The fact is women have been enjoying each other since the beginning of time, and it’s surprising that it has taken this long for this service to become widely available. By booking a female escort with a reputable escort agency like citybutterflies.com, our female clients are assured of the highest standards of professionalism and discretion. There is no need to feel embarrassed. Many of our City Butterflies escorts are very much bisexual, and they love spending time with their female clients. If you are a lady wanting to book the services of a female escort give us a call on our friendly helpline.

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